A Subscription to
the Yosemite Gazette
Goes Far Beyond
the Printed Page
As a subscriber-member
you have access to advance articles,
archived issues, exclusive and enhanced content
and additional membership benefits at no extra cost

Read an entire issue on your monitor, page by page, with page turning,
magnifying and download option tools. The online version presents color photographs and advertisements. Each page offers links to author's emails, web sites or Facebook pages. Additionally, links are offered for advertiser's web sites or Facebook pages while articles and photographs are linked for more informational references to enhance the readership experience.
The Yosemite Gazette is printed
the old fashioned way by Foothill Printing, Angels Camp, California

Online Edition
Archival Issues
The last eight years, from the very first issue, are available exclusively
to subscribing members of the Yosemite Gazette.
The interactive issues are available in several formats and can be thoroughly reviewed on your monitor or downloaded to your desktop
for "on demand" review, browsing and perusing.
Vintage Photographs
The Yosemite Gazette regularly publishes vintage photographs
and postcards which chronicle the history of the region including
the 125 year-old hisorty of the national park. The photographs
are batched in galleries featured on the web site and are accessible
only to Yosemite Gazette subscriber-members.
Advertiser's and sponsors of the Yosemite Gazette are featured on our web site pages with links to their web sites or Facebook pages and our pages with advertiser's coupons, specials and discount programs. We also feature an all inclusive and interactive Advertiser's Directory.
Advertiser's Directory
Easch issue of the Yosemite Gazette, we publish a variety of articles and features that feature the cultural and histoical legacy of personalities, families, institutions, organizations and assocaiations connected over time
with the Yosemite region. These articles and features
are availble only to subscriber-members of the
Yosemite Gazette.
Historical Legacy (Vernal & Nevada Falls)

The more years you subscribe to the Yosemite Gazette
conserves more dollars for you as an exclusive member
The Yosemite Gazette has been printed quarterly for the past eight years.
The printed version was suspended temporarily due to a reoganization period to increase advertising and support from subscribers.
To distribute a print version
benefiting advertisers with a 10,000
regional circulation quarterly, we offer new and renewed subscriptions with
considerable savings based upon which subscription level you choose.
The Yosmite Gazette is a return to yesteryear, a literary journal format in black and white on sepia paper.
Join us in the revival of the old fashioned, old school, vintage way of publishing the printed word for everyone, whether you are linked onlne to the intenet or not.
Subscribe now and we'll start the presses rolling.