The early California artist visited Yosemite in 1904. His journal of the trip is available on this web site.

Jo Mora enters Yosemite (1904) on northern entry toll road. His journal sketch book is available on this web site.

Lt. James Stephen Krull poses next to his Curtis JN-4 which landed in Leigh Meadow, May 27, 1919. See the full article,, Winter 2008 issue, Front Page.

Visitors circa? (year of the automobile anyone?

Postcard from the Arcadia Publishing title "Yosemite's Historic Hotels and Camps" by Alice van Ommermen shows Grace Roger Jilson a popular storyteller for several seasons in the late 1910s.

Tuolumne Meadows (1972) during trip (The Trans Sierra Gourmet Ski Trip) taken by author Peter Hoss "Born in Yosemite."

A HHRR snowplow engine crunches forward two miles west of Jones Station (circa 19120-1923). Photo courtesy Horace Chaffee, published in the Arcadia Publishing title "Hetch Hetchy" by Barbara Hennessy.

Lakeview Camp office and Lee Vining Market

Circa 1950's? Bobby sox? Entrance to the Stanislaus National Forest north of Sonora on Hwy. 108.
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